Advice and support if you're struggling with your mental health

What are mental health problems?
Mental health problems are more common than you may think, affecting 1 in 4 people every year. They can affect anyone at any time. So, if you’re going through a challenging time with your mental health, you’re not alone.
We’re here to help with treatment, support, and accommodation. With the proper care, you will get better.
If you’re struggling with your mental health, you can get support at your GP practice or call Samaritans on 0808 115 1505.
There’s helpful information on the MIND website, or for urgent help, find your local service here.
Stepping Stones

There are times in all our lives when we experience periods of crisis. Some of us need extra support to help us through these times, and hospital admission is not always the best option.
Stepping Stones is a partnership with Mersey Care that provides eight beds of accommodation and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for people in mental health crises.
Referrals come from Mersey Care for this service.
Nightingale House

Nightingale House provides 20 beds of accommodation in Bootle to support people from Sefton, Liverpool and Kirkby who are coming out of hospital following a mental health admission. This service helps people settle back into the community, build coping skills and find a suitable long-term home.
YMCA Together works in a psychologically informed way across our services. This means we consider individual needs and focus on what’s important to people to create positive, sustainable futures.
This service works in partnership with Merseycare. All referrals for this service come through Merseycare.
Here for you, wherever you’re at.
Newby House

Newby House is a mental health re-enablement service in Halewood, Liverpool. It’s for adults with mental health needs and provides them with a supported home to call their own for a while, until they feel more able to live independently.